Finally after suffering for 2 weeks, the exams ended, and after that, we 3rd year of UKM physiotherapy programme had an activity called “BUMI KITA, TANGGUNGJAWAB KITA” This activity is held at Blue Lagoon, Port Dickson and it is a 2days programme (11-12 NOVEMBER 2010) This activity is held by ourselves and the main objective is to increase the awareness of environmentally conservation and also recycle. We are glad that a non-profit organisation willing to send 4 of the students from Germany and 1 from Belgium and also 1 tutor to participate in our meaningful programme.
On the 1st day, the weather is quiet nice.On the 2nd day, rain in the morning at Port Dickson but luckily the rain stops in the afternoon.
The activities of the programme are: Cleaning the beach, Sports etc. I also manage to try on canoeing, playing sands, playing some childhood games *A E I O U, Pepsi-Cola, Indian violence game-kabadi etc.
Well, let’s looks at the pictures.

All of us, except me (1st day)
My footprints (1st day)
Seashells (1st day)
Children (1st day)
Dad and Son (1st day)
Small ladies (2nd day)
Sand become Rock? (2nd day)
Bravo (2nd day)
Jumping in the sea (2nd day)
the seaside (1st day)
Kabadi (1st day)
sand (1st day)
seaside (1st day)
seaside (2nd day)
Throwing to the sea (2nd day)
Sharing session (1st day)